MBA New Student Checklist
Congratulations on your admission to Butler University! Use this information as your guide to understanding the important next steps you should take as an admitted Butler MBA student. If you have any questions, contact the MBA program at
Please accept your offer of admission on your student status page. Once you accept our offer of admission, you will be able to submit your enrollment deposit.
- Log on to your student status page and navigate to Status Update. Select View Update.
- Select Reply to Offer of Admission under the Forms section. Complete and submit the form.
To officially reserve your place in the MBA program, submit your $500 enrollment deposit on your student status page. This deposit is non-refundable.
- From your status page, select Submit Payment for $500. Complete and submit the form.
- Confirm your information, mailing address, and program of study on the main status page. If anything is listed incorrectly, please contact us.
After officially accepting the offer of admission and paying the $500 enrollment deposit, students will gain access to self-register for MBA Orientation.
On-campus MBA students can view upcoming Orientation dates and register here.
Online MBA (OMBA) students can view upcoming Orientation dates and register here.
Orientation is required for all new on-campus MBA students, and will cover topics including:
- MBA policies and standards
- Path to Graduation
- Registering for classes
- Working with your leadership coach
- Team building
Incoming MBA students who do not have an undergraduate degree in business are strongly encouraged to complete the four MBA primer courses in Canvas prior to starting the equivalent MBA coursework.
The four primer courses include: Statistics, Economics, Finance, and Accounting. The Statistics and Economics courses should both be completed prior to starting MBA525 Economics. The Finance course should be completed prior to starting MBA530 Finance. The Accounting course should be completed prior to starting MBA520 Managerial Accounting.
These courses will provide students with a non-business background the baseline knowledge to be successful in the Butler MBA program. Although completion of these courses is not mandatory, you are unlikely to be successful in the program without this knowledge. MBA faculty expect incoming students to possess the baseline knowledge outlined in the courses and will not review this information in their classes.
You will use your Butler Network Account throughout your time as a student. As an incoming student, this account will grant you access to your My.Butler student portal, Canvas, financial aid information, your online bill status, and more.
You will receive your Butler username and email address about one week after you’re admitted. Instructions for establishing a password for the first time are available here. You must establish your password before you will be able to access Butler sites. If you have trouble accessing Butler systems, please submit a case via
Don’t want to check multiple email accounts? You can forward your Butler email to your primary email account.
Information about preparing your technology for campus, the Butler App, smartphone email set up instructions, and more is available at Information Technology’s Quick Start for Admitted Students resource.
As a new member of the Butler community, it’s very important that you are regularly checking your Butler email address. We suggest forwarding your Butler emails to your personal email address. Butler faculty, staff, and other students will only use your Butler email address to communicate important information and provide updates related to the Butler community and the MBA program. Students are expected to maintain their Butler email account, and are responsible for being responsive.
For information about preparing your technology, phone email set-up instructions, and more, visit the Butler Information Technology website.
If you have additional questions, please contact the IT Help Desk at 317-940-HELP (4357) or email
Graduate students must be degree-seeking and enrolled at least part-time (3.0 credit hours) in order to be eligible for the Federal Aid Program. For more information regarding Financial Aid, visit the website. Financial Aid is located in the lower level of Robertson Hall.
Textbook lists for each course are available in the Bookstore and online at The Butler Bookstore is located in Atherton Union, 704 W. Hampton Drive.
We’re a social University, and now that you’re part of the Bulldog community we encourage you to connect with us!
The Office of Student Accounts publishes billing statements in an electronic only format. An E-Bill is published the second Wednesday of every month and payment is due in full by the due date on the bill. Students receive email notifications when their E-bill is available for viewing.
Questions about your bill can be sent to
Every Butler student, staff and faculty member must register their vehicle through parking services located on the first floor of the parking garage. For more information about student parking options, visit Parking Services.
Parking on campus without a valid parking permit will result in a ticket. Tickets can range from $25-$75 each and multiple tickets can be issued for one infraction. If you receive a parking ticket on campus, the MBA Program staff cannot assist with getting the ticket waived; you must contact parking services and resolve the ticket. The website to appeal is printed on the back side of the ticket.
The MBA505 Gateway Experience course is designed to be the first 500-level class MBA students take, as it provides an introductory experience to “kick off” the graduate core. This 1 credit hour course introduces experiential learning, integrates business concepts and tools, and sets expectations for the graduate program. The Gateway Experience has proven to be a hands-on, fun, bonding experience for new students.
This one-time experience takes place over a three-day period and includes a Thursday evening welcome dinner, an all-day Friday research session, and an evening or Saturday library session. Attendance at all three days is required. Learn more.